Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


A gloriously sunny and hot day!

I cycled over to the Williamson Art Gallery this morning to see the new De-Junk, Re-Junk exhibition which features the work of 34 Merseyside artists who've created artwork from recycled materials.

At the gallery I met up with my friend Janet who has several textile pieces in the show, all of which are brilliant, particularly the ones inspired by the aunt who taught her to sew.

My blip shows a detail of an installation by Wendy Williams, entitled 'A Hundred Miles'. The piece consists of pairs of shoes which she's made from old paper, posters and flyers. She says of it,

"The title of this work is taken from the phrase to walk a mile in someone's shoes from 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. It is not only about not making judgement, but also about an objects former use and re using it."

After the gallery visit I dropped by Home in Oxton Village to sit in the courtyard and eat coffee and walnut cake with a cup of peppermint tea. Then it was back home to spend the rest of the afternoon in the garden with the paper.


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