Creating a Buzz

Lazy day in the garden today - it's like being on holiday :o)

I've been trying to get a bee in flight for a long time now and today I got a few but this was the clearest.

If you've looked at my journal this last week you'll know how I've felt really rough - haven't been able to say why but you're probably sick of hearing about it!

Well the night in the hills on Friday seems to have done the trick and I feel much better now. Fresh air, peace, listening, it works :o)

Friday, Saturday, and a Flickr Set.

It wasn't fantastic for photo's - no stars or amazing sunsets like last time I was there (here and here if you're interested), but that didn't matter. And we lugged up some good food and beer :o)

A 2 night trip planned in a fortnight - just need to decide where to go!

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