Carolina's journal

By Carolina


I was watering this morning and saw this daisy with the petals growing out of the center!  Very strange and haven't seen this before.  Has anyone else?  We got all the flowers and grass watered today and everyone is looking much better and de-stressed.    A day of cleaning up and putting things away.  Doing laundry of course.   Always good to be home though Chelan was really nice.   Cooler temps over here and I can see my cedar trees changing colors too.  
   Thank you all for stopping by and so appreciate the hearts and stars of the last few Blips!!!  
    I did notice when I washed my .... Blippers do it once a day... shirt that the color is not holding but getting a bit on the brownish side.  anyone else notice this?   oh, well.  I will still be wearing it!

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