A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Heading up to Sheffield to spend a couple of days with S&N.

Traffic on the M42/A42 was as much fun as it usually is, especially with multiple brain-dead lorry drivers around.  Noticed a sign for Calke Abbey and decided to turn off for a bit of green and sanity.

We'd forgotten whether we'd been here before (we had, but then the repeatable delight of the new is one of the joys of going senile).  We'd certainly forgotten it was a five minute drive from the gate to the house!

Naturally, it started to rain when we arrived so we did a bit of a whistle stop tour of the house (which has a l-o-n-g one-way system, probably left over from Covid).  

As ever, it was the practical side rooms rather than the grand posh bits that caught my interest.

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