
By Pinkhairedlady

Rain and more rain

We had planned to take the awning down early afternoon before the forecast rain started but the weather had not tiger ideas so we were out just after breakfast to get wleverything squared away.

A lazy morning reading our books whilst Phin snoozed was the way we spent our morning.

Headed down in to the beach at lunchtime and as it was a very low tide we walked quite far round the headland. Got talking to a family with a black jab who come from the next town along from us near Edinburgh. How strange! The two dogs had a ball in the water. Phin tried several times to bring in the orange ball he saw flaring but eventually gave up trying to drag the buoy ashore.

Wet afternoon meant more time in the van before we headed up to the local hotel fir a last night meal. Wa glad we booked as several others were turned away. Delicious fish and chips went down a treat. Back on the healthy eating tomorrow!

As I type the rain is drumming on the roof but I’m cosy in my bed, Phin is tucked up in his bed and Mr PHL is messaging our daughter who hit back to her flat after a night away to find a mouse in her room. Will no doubt have to drop a trap round to get tomorrow once we get back home.

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