
After another busy day it was a real treat to have Noah cook fajitas for dinner.

I had a nice long lie then cooked brunch, by which time Freya was back from her sleepover. I was going round to Marisol's new pad to help with the final stages of painting and Freya volunteered to come with me so that was really great. Sarita came round too so between the four of us we got loads done and Marisol was delighted.

So many hands meant we didn't need to stay too late so when we got home in the late afternoon Freya decided to rearrange her room so I offered to help. It was a mammoth task moving a triple wardrobe especially as we had to then paint the wall where it had been but we got it finished then Noah treated us to a delicious dinner.

Carlos and I caught up with Game of Thrones season finale this evening and that blew our minds! I hate it when a season of something finishes and you have to wait a year til the next one.

Second last full week at work starts tomorrow, got a fun event to look forward to in the afternoon, quite possibly to be blipped.

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