
By Mimthing

Que Sera Sera

What ever will be will be.

We have had a fab weekend with our Grandkids, finished off with a lovely lunch at The Jollies with the kids and their Mummy and Daddy.

I have had some very amusing moments today, dearest Dots can always find the silver lining... .

I met up with Caroline and took her to meet my donkeys ... She loves donkeys!

We ended the day with a wander down to our pub and as we were leaving this was playing on the pub music machine, it was one of my Mum's favourites along with the Seekers one about a train

This verse is, to me, about looking after family.

Maybe it is raining
Where our train will ride;
All the little travellers
Are warm and snug inside.

I'm guessing this is going to read like total gobaldigook to most people.... I don't care, I know what it is about.

To those who know

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