
By Mimthing


They will soon be naught but a memory, I noticed these opposite my mate JB's house, they are curling back ready to dissapear for another year.

Attended the funeral of a lovely lady today, it was very much horse and hunting themed, i half expected someone to sound Gone Away.
Simon, Roger and Annabel gave their dear Mum -Pauline- a very lovely send off, after the service at Givendale church we all re-grouped for lunch in our village hall.
I worked for Pauline - on and off- for about ten years, I will always remember her sitting room, not just for the beautiful antiques, it was scented by the many geraniums on her windowsill, she was an absolute joy to work for, we had loads of lovely moments chatting about hunting, country ways and family life.

Later this afternoon I called round to collect some bits and bobs from Kate, once my car was filled we took our mugs of coffee and spent time in her fabulously quirky garden -tis very much as I would like mine to be. A lovely moment. Thank you.

Tomorrow I must sew, two roman blinds to make!

Oh, I learnt a new and very, very lovely drink today...
Elderflower cordial, sparkling water and GIN!

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