
By Mimthing

Cocker Spaniel

She belongs to a friend of ours and this image is not doing her any justice at all, but it's pretty much all I've got today,

Hardly slept last night, the funeral yesterday made me think a lot about my Mum and her last months, both in hospital and a -so called- care home.
I beat myself up for not getting her out of the clutches of the local hospital and then the White Cross re-hab place and onto her final home.

If you take no other advice...
Do your utmost to prevent your parent from going into one of these hell houses.

Other news is that it is worth keeping very calm with the nice chap at the call centre when your Internet banking goes totally tits up.. For my wasted half hour trying to send some brass to another account I have been compensated £25.00 .
I reckon that's a good rate of pay:-))

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