
By Grammy

Made Me Smile

We had another beautiful day. Hubby decided to go to my sister’s house and kayak in their creek. He took some neat photos of the birds who live there. I worked in the bedrooms again. I want to strip the linens. They are clean but dusty. I put away the stuffed animals that normally hang out on the beds. Sorted and stored gift boxes and bags that have accumulated lately. One more day should complete my cleaning upstairs. Then I will have to work on breakfast plans. They eat lunch and dinner out. Went out to shake rugs and saw these two vibrant flowers. Blip done. Hubby stopped at the grocery store. Then he brought me a lovely bouquet of zinnias and dahlias from the Mennonite shop on his route. Might get to see it tomorrow. He is out weed eating now. Always a to do list to complete. I had spaghetti in the freezer. We’ll have green beans as well. Another easy meal. Apple pie and ice cream will complete the meal. Hope your day was productive. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe. “She is surrounded by stalks of dahlias, orange and yellow and pale red, with leaves so big you could write your life story on each one. She looks like a flower in the garden…” - Alice Hoffman

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