
By Pinkhairedlady


Spent ages scrubbing the carpet with carpet cleaner but the stains are very stubborn so will have another go tomorrow.

Today was a day full of chores - working through the piles of paperwork that seem to accumulate on the kitchen worktop, deep cleaning the kitchen, hoovering everywhere (boy dies dog hair get everywhere!), changing the bed, washing the covers from the kitchen chair and sofa and generally tidying up.

Phin has been walked off his wee paws today as Mr PHL took him out this morning and I took him to Newbattle in the afternoon. He had his annual health check at the vets today and is very healthy and he’s not considered overweight any more.

I’ve finally finished Mr PHL’s Dr Who scarf, just the dreaded ends to sew in now.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AbstractThursday.

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