Pictorial blethers

By blethers


Having spent most of today getting us over to Edinburgh, there’s not been much in the way of photo opportunities, so here’s a glass of pink Cremant not raised but waiting to be drunk this evening at number one son’s house.

I’ve remarked before how packing a bag for a couple of nights is just about as much in terms of organising as if for a week or two, so this morning we scurried up and down stairs and in and out to the car and finally got off just before one o’clock. Annoyingly, we missed a ferry purely because of the road repairs that have resulted in the destruction of key roads all over town; add that to the massive works on the road through Greenock and it was an hour or more before we felt we were really on our way.

Since arriving, we’ve talked to grandson James - a delightful host offering cups of tea - gone a walk with Po the collie (and James - Po’s too much of a handful for us); drunk and eaten and talked and talked and then gone out again with daughter in law and Po for a last stravaig.

If I can add an extra on my phone, I got a rather pleasing photo of a Western Ferry and a sailing ship offshore at Hunter’s Quay. But meantime I’m tired and sense that I find it so slow to type on my phone that I’ll soon be off to bed. Can’t bear to rabbit on further - I fear I become boring. G’night!

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