wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

Late night dishes

DDW June: yellow

My dad is the kind of person who refuses to go to bed without doing the day's washing up. I seem to have picked this up, to a certain extent. At 11:30pm I tend to turn a blind eye to my housemates' dishes, but do at least try to get mine done. I wasn't too keen on sticking my big camera into a sink of running water, so here's my iPhone's interpretation of water flowing on and around a (new) yellow sponge. Yes, it's in grey, but it makes the plughole look less scungy ;)

Had a delicious roast lamb lunch with the family that has 'adopted' me this year. Mmmmmmm. But it put me in a sleepy place all day, so this didn't get written last night. ;)

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