Coming up for air

I've been clearing the decks - I'm a bit of a hoarder -
Then clearing my head with a walk
Down a green leafy lane with a buttercup border,
Each head on a long, slender stalk.

Back home to a house that is still out of order -
Spring-cleaning is only a start,
But the green leafy lane with the buttercup border
Continues to glow in my heart.

Hmm - a bit sentimental today!

At least I know my buttercup from my elbow. Yesterday's 'orchid' (?) turned out to be common or garden (or field) sorrel. But I'd never have known just how beautiful, dainty and colourful its petals were if it hadn't been for digital photography. It really does make us look harder, doesn't it!

Meanwhile, how come I knew the names of all the lots of wildflowers when I was ten, and now I remember only a feeble few? Must be something lacking in my diet cos it can't be that I'm getting old, can it?!

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