The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Parasol for a pipsqueak

Spotted in Daisybank park, which I was walking through to get to my student's flat. We had a good session, but it was so cold in his flat! At one point I was suddenly hungry and asked him if he had anything small, such as an apple, I could eat. He said, " I haven't got an apple, but I have a chicken"!

Later we went to the Trinity rooms, and after that he wanted to go to Wilko, which is closing down in two days.S. bought an air fryer and then went back to buy a portable air conditioning unit, because the air fryer was even cheaper than expected. I did try to explain that summer is over. Truth is, we don't know any more.

We walked up to the Shambles and asked Clean Steve to give us both a lift up the hill. I'd only bought three cereal bars so was not overburdened, but Stroud hills don't get any easier to climb.

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