
By Incredibish

Evora Temple to Diana (and another Cromlech)

Our last day in Evora. Around one this morning we wandered past the Temple to Diana, which was nicely lit up... destroying the night sky but still... In the town the local lads and lasses were dancing under coloured lights and lasers, so we left them to it (being ver' ver' old people who don't understand disco)

Then later in the day we took in the chapel of the bones, Capel dos Ossos (my Duolingo is serving me well this holiday) and the rather surreal museum of nativity scenes from around the world. Then we visited another cromlech - the Cromlech de Vale Maria do Meio, where we exhibited our natural exuberance in the presence of the ancient stones.

Off to Porto at silly o'clock tomorrow... It's been loving sharing time and space with Charlie and Rory; both of whom I hold in the highest estimation as they progress with their PhD and extra curricular work.

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