
By KathyH58

September 24

I was out taking some photos of dahlias this afternoon and had planned to use one of them as my blip today. Then I looked out and saw the sunset tonight.
Red sky at night...and the forecast is for sunshine all week. No rain at all right now. I think this is the first week in over 3 months with no rain in the forecast. I hope it stays that way.
I think the cook got some orders mixed up at brunch today, or he is not good at organizing group orders. We were at a pizza place for brunch, and I like their pizzas so I ordered one. I've ordered one before and never had a problem with it. Today there were 2 of us that ordered pizzas and by the time we were finally served everyone else was over halfway thru their meal. The waitress had served everyone else and said she would be right back with our pizzas. Five minutes later I went over to the bar to find out what was going on. I told them that it's not acceptable. This restaurant is used to having groups in there on a regular basis, so it's not like this was their first time serving a group. The other one that ordered a pizza had a coupon for a free pizza. They gave me my pizza free too because of the long wait time. I was ready to walk out. I am going there with another group next week for supper, it will be interesting to see if the kitchen is better organized.

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