
By MrsK277


Even though I was so wrung out yesterday, I set an alarm for 5.30am to join a group of bobbers for a sunrise swim. I should have read the post properly as I went to Osea and not a soul to be seen...they were all up the road at Heybridge. It was too tight for time to join them once I'd realised, but I enjoyed a lovely walk along the front snapping away and enjoying the peace of a new day.

Back in the car, with the heating on, and a warm cuppa MrK had made me in a flask, I messaged Michelle volunteering to help with set up for park run. So there we were at 7.30 putting out the 'caution runners' signs and cones. I walked a little faster today and jogged a little, sometimes with Michelle, sometimes on my own reaching a PB 50.01. Michelle was still poorly,  but it didn't stop her encouragement for me and all participant. I said my goodbyes and she had a funny turn, but thankfully was with others. We messaged each other for a while offering support and giggles. Good for the soul. 
FK and I then went to a beautiful cottage in Danbury to await with others to suprise Jo and Michael (MrK was sadly busy with groundwork renovations). A little party for their 50th birthdays. A small gathering, but wonderful warm chatty people. We met Jo when FK and her eldest were 6 weeks old and stayed friends ever since. Harriet and FK were inseparable at school until he moved in year 2. We stayed in contact and met with them a few times up in Norfolk and various other times. As they moved into their teens, they were awkward and shy with each other, but once they got chatting it was lovely to see them reconnect. When we initially met Michael, it turned out MrK and he knew of each other through various friends. We all spent New Year's Eve together last year. Always good company.
Some difficult questions about my work, mum and summer in Norfolk, and I just about held it together. But when it came to say goodbyes, a hug with Jo and kind words set me off.
I've done so much in the last two days, probably overdone it a bit. Must rest tomorrow and not try to achieve everything next week!

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