
By Bom

A Pond Feather

I only got about half of what I wanted to get done today. Needless to say the bit that slowed me down was relating to the car purchase / dealership. I was checking paperwork for the insurance, and they'd made some errors. I also downloaded and printed out the policy documents as they no longer do this for you - I don't trust just having a soft copy. Then I began to get started understanding / using my dash cam, for which you need to set up an app on your phone. My dash cam wouldn't connect to the app, so I rang Nextbase and a lovely lady talked me through set up step by step - unfortunately it was exactly what I'd already done which hadn't worked. She suspects the technician at the Dealership connected it to their phone to check it was working, but that has blocked me connecting to it. I need to download and reinstall the firmware  to rectify it - not going to do that today!!!  

I did manage to spend half an hour in the garden cutting back the top third of my buddleia to prevent wind rock - that was very therapeutic and filled half my newly emptied garden bin. Just a photo of a feather floating in the pond for you today. 

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