BlipaEwan 18...

This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I try to get them on the same date of each month (the one year ago thumbnail has proved a brilliant tool for this series) and in the same pose so that I can see how they change over time. I also want to record in text, some of the little details that happen month on month so that when we and he are older, we can look back on them.

Ewan's walking can be more or less ticked off the list. His small legs however, mean that he can become a bit of a liablity when he picks up speed, but in general he is starting to appreciate the effects of gravity.

His talking is starting to take shape. If I say "Ready, Steady...", he'll finish it off with a "Gooooooo". There is definite "mama" but understanding of what he is saying may not be complete. I say understanding of what he is saying partly because we point out mummy and ask him to say mummy but then proceeds to label others with the same name. Although give him an object and ask him to take it to mummy and he knows what you mean. Ball is also pretty much nailed and all his words seem to get elongated so it's "Baaaaaallllllllllll".

Ewan really likes kicking a ball around. I've spent a good wee whiles with him running about the garden or front room where he kicks and follows the ball. Grandpa and uncle were apparently very impressed that he was using both feet to kick with. Other play points to note for future looking back are his slide antics. He really likes slides just now. I've managed to teach him how to sit at the top of a slide and then go down. He takes it that little bit further and volutarily slides down backwards on his belly.

For some reason of late, Ewan has been waking himself right up, a bit too early in the last couple of weeks. He starts really crying and the only way to get him to go back to sleep is to lie beside his cot. He then falls back asleep for another couple of hours. I really don't like doing this as it will possibly lead to the dependancy of the situation which ain't good for either of us.

Oh, another point of note. Ewan is holding Woody from Toy Story. We also have a Jessie in the house. These two have been a bone of contention with Ewan in the past. He get's so worked up about the hats which don't stay on their respective owners very well. It came to a point one time where I had to forcibly bluetac them on so they wouldn't come off. Ewan has calmed down a little on the issue but still insists on getting someone to put the hat on everytime it falls off.

You can check out the rest of this series and see his progress by entering the words tagged BlipaEwan into the Blip Search facility. You can also see a more complete picture in the old search facility using this BlipaEwan search.

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