
By Jamjar

Sorry, I've changed the photo because the packing has dominated the last two days as I struggle to get my head around a not very warm Swansea and a warm and sunny Benidorm, with only a day between the two. So here's the packing mess on the spare bed!

Julie of the Mind shop messaged to say that she'd now tested positive. If I'm going to get it I suppose it'll be in the next 2-3 days but I'M NOT GOING TO GET IT!

My feet seem to have inexplicably spread over the last couple of months, which means that the boots I took to Spain last week fit me, but the all leather ones, same size and last, are a bit tight...  I  don't understand it.

I went for a 2 mile walk (not in boots) before the rain came, but it's never arrived. Halfway round I spotted a couple coming towards me and decided to stop them and say hello. When I first moved here and all through lockdown they would walk past my house most days, and I regularly still see them all over the local area. She was very chatty, which was nice, he wasn't and seemed in a hurry to resume walking. Oh well.

I'm going to make a couple of inset pockets for my sundress now, it looks warm in Benidorm. 

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