
Nice to wake-up in Ryde. I had a busy day at work. I got invite to a ‘requirements and solutions’ call which seems to be a place to agree approaches to a number of issues and will probably end up being very useful even if some of it did feel like an excuse just to talk to each other. I also had my weekly 1:1 with Daniel but, aside from those calls, I spent the day working on the FAQ document  so that I could get it reviewed by the deadline.

PY had an interview and presentation to do this morning. I was very conscious that I was online at the same time and tried to minimise the bandwidth i was using by turning my camera off as much as possible. It sounded like it went OK.  Then, in the afternoon, he started painting the kitchen. It’s another room that was a yellow-colour and needs an undercoat before we start applying the main coat. So that was applied today and it already looks a lot better.  The flat has a kitchen-living room and we have unified the colours across both rooms and now it looks much better.

After I had finished work we decided that we’d go for a bit of a walk around Ryde. I hadn’t been outside all day. One of the reasons for buying the place here is to start living by the sea. So, we walked to the seafront and then around the shopping area and back to the sea front where we decided to stop in Harry’s Bar. The bar is connected to the Royal Esplanade Hotel.  There was one one other person in the ‘lounge bar’ while we were there. I think there’s a back bar that was a bit more populated.  Because we sat by the window it was possible to watch the world going by. People watching can be fun but it wasn’t that busy. 

We decided not to stay for a second drink and instead came back for pasta and garlic cream. The air-fryer still getting used. We had a couple of glasses of wine and watched the documentary about  Noele Gordon as a follow-up to the drama we watched earlier in the week.  When you see the real life characters it become vary apparent how good some of the portrayals are in the fictional version.  It was good.

And then we watched a Channel 5 show: Isle of Wight - Jewel of the South, which is a lovely portrayal of the island and it was great to see it in all its summer glory,

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