The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


From Steve's study window, looking towards the Hamlet of Thrupp.

I went back to work today. My brain appeared to have been stolen, and replaced by marshmallows, but I did what I could. I have neither headache nor aura today. Phew. My client didn't turn up. My colleagues weren't feeling great either, and across the establishment there was sickness-related absence. We did go out on a good visit, though.

Afterwards I went home to bed, and chatted with my sister K about a Zoom course that I'd recommended to her, that started today. Also to my student S who had had a plague of flies. He killed them all by bashing them with his slippers apparently. I'd like to say that this is the Afghani way, but that would be facetious.

Then I made up the spare bed because we have visitors coming tomorrow, and sorted out our duvet collection. Goodness knows why we have so many. I gave away one in the summer, that I had found in the loft, but still they breed.

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