Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

The view from my desk

After a rather pleasant day yesterday, it started to rain in the evening, and overnight, Agnes arrived.  Wind and rain today meant that any thoughts of starting on the raised beds were definitely put aside.

I did a session this morning on the exercise bike.  Then a phone call from a Travel Agent means that our Xmas holiday is probably sorted.  We've dillied and dallied, changing our minds several times regarding the destination, but now looks likely to be Costa Rica.

This afternoon I did some flute playing.  One of the pieces for the Concert Band is printed rather small, and is difficult to read, so I spent a while today scanning it, then enlarging it.  It's a complex piece with many notes, and many accidentals - the reprint is easier to read, though it needed some touching up with a pencil to clarify the ledger lines!

This is the view from my desk.  Down the passage, the light is on in the little room where W has his desk.  W was in there, but hiding behind the door.

This evening I braved the storm and drove into Wexford for the band rehearsal - I was the only flautist to turn up.

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