By greengirl


Sunshine and more of the warm winds which are swirling around on the periphery of Storm Agnes. The forecast for SW Scotland was for heavy rain and wind. I hope our trees don’t suffer.

A shorter walk today; one of my old favourites, up to Buxted Park and the church of St Margaret the Queen. Here are the bell ropes - the peal of 8 bells is reputed to be one of the best in Sussex. Three of the bells date from 1686.

This afternoon, Mum and I finished a jigsaw puzzle, and we have another one ready to start tomorrow.

Later on, I met up with a fellow blipper, which was really nice. Thank you :-)

Then it was time for dinner with Mum and Dad at the Picture House Restaurant. The food was tasty but the restaurant a bit noisy, so conversation was difficult. Bring on those new hearing aids..

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