
By Cully

Diet coke break in Sunny Saltash

Me and the boy along with my Sister, Bro in law and the 'phews headed down to Sunny Saltash today to see family I haven't seen for over 8 years. The last time we were all together was 8 years ago at my sisters wedding. But seeing them all has to wait till tomorrow as it takes a while to organise the troops.

So we met up with my Aunty and Uncle. It was great to see them as it was the first time I have seen my Aunty since her stroke. She looked remarkably well, walking about and being her usual chipper self.

It was the first time the boy had met my Uncle and got the third degree at the bar but the boy won him round as always by asking him lots of questions about being in the army. It worked on my Grandad so why not my Uncle! I always believed that my Uncle had been a grenadier guard when he was younger, I wasn't sure if I had dreamt it, but it is in fact true. He said it was pretty boring so at the end of every shift they all went and got completely trollied. He said the downside was that when a pretty tourist approached them they could only see below her knee because of the big hats.

The conversation flowed all night just like the beer and I forgot to take any photos. So a half hearted blip of the diet coke bottles my sister had treated us to as we arrived today, nearly a full house in just one shop but none for the 'phews unfortunately, will have to keep looking.

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