
By ChubbasMummy

MJ and AR

Had a little visit from MJ Emi and Chris this afternoon. Even though AR is only two months two days older than MJ there is still such a massive difference in size. It was lovely seeing them all, they were all looking great for being new to the experience of parenting.

AR has been full of giggles and smiles today, but every time the telly has been on she has ignored everyone for it.

Went to get my car at about three to find it was still on the jacks :( so went back again at six to collect it.

Going back tomorrow to pay my bill since I'm going to be nearly £300 poorer, well £250 since my mum is going to pay the rest. Thank you mummy, I would be lost without my car.

Even though it is a big set back of price at least my car will hopefully be fit and healthy for our holidays and to see my grandad :D I cannot wait.

Went to the Kabin in Loanhead for a while and had such a laugh with some of the kids and staff.

Now waiting on AR settling so I can go off to bed since I'm absolutely knackered.

Love xoxo

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