
By ChubbasMummy

Busy Busy

This morning I was pretty late getting up and had to rush to get ready to take the kids to school, then headed to Renault to take things back because the ordered the wrong covers.

But AR decided to give me a little present while in the car so had to go to Asda to change her, which wasn't a good idea because we couldn't help ourselves but get some un-needed shopping. Ended up spending a ton on nothing as per.

Then came home put everything away to head out again to pay for my car then go up to Caldwells to collect my Prom (which was two years ago) photos which we ordered a couple weeks ago while paying for my brothers and sisters last photos at their old school.

Then had to go and collect HR and LR from school while my mum and dad headed to MR's parents evening.

Then home for a roast dinner, which was amazing because I was starving.

Really do need to sort myself our with my fitness and meals because I never eat properly and have lost all energy since having AR an I'm slowly putting on weight that my clothes are getting tight, so if anyone has any tips let me know.

Well in this pic AR had just finished trying to eat the tray. She has been a wee hungry horrice today.

Love xoxo

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