
By LesTension


It's Thursday Night Football and the Green Bay Packers are about to kickoff vs. the Detroit Lions in a game of American Football.  But before the game starts I need to Blip.
We country boys are often amused by the ignorance of the city boys who seem to have no clue about anything outside the City Limits.  That includes even knowing that milk typically comes from cows but never having seen one eye-to-eye.  They never even think about that cow being sold to Ronald McDonald for Big Macs after it costs more to feed her than she gives back in milk profits.
The same is true for vegetable products.  Y'all know about tofu but do you know what it looks like before it's made into tofu? or Kikkoman soy sauce?  Well now you do if you look in Large.
These soy beans are just about ready for harvest.  Less than a week ago, the plant leaves were still greenish and yellowish after a summer of growth. Within a few days, they are all now brown-and-down exposing the beans.  Harvest can wait a while if need be...but combine harvesters are already hitting the fields around here.....but I have seen them harvesting in the snow.  
In two weeks this entire area will be a riot of autumn color...expect a lot of tree Blips.  In three weeks most of the leaf crop will be down and brown. In three more weeks the first snows of the season will be expected. In the meantime, temps in the 80s F. (25 +/- C.) are forecast for the rest of the week.  Things do change quickly around here.
It's Game Time...........GOTTA GO!  GO PACK!

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