
By Grammy

Angelonia Salicariifolia

It must have been the rainy weather; hubby slept in until 8:30. After breakfast, he dropped off unwanted clothes at a thrift shop. Then he picked up meds from the base pharmacy. My DIL made my mother a chicken pot pie for the weekend (a perfect meal for this chilly weather). I forgot to get it from the refrigerator for her in the chaos last night. Hubby took it to her today. She was very appreciative of both gestures. He picked up fried chicken for an early dinner treat. There are still a few flowers blooming in my pots. Took a quick walk about after breakfast to see what I could find. I love these delicate purple blooms. I used this rainy day to organize and file my 2023 paperwork. During the year, I squirrel it away in a cabinet and usually file it quarterly. Way behind this year. Feels good to be caught up. In the process I circular filed tons of old unneeded receipts. Would love to bite the bullet and get rid of more XEROX boxes of old paperwork. Out of sight, out of mind. We both took short naps later this afternoon encouraged by the damp gray day. Millie took turns snuggling with us. I am not sure she can get any thinner. She is eating plenty of kibble but it is not staying with her. Chase and River spent a lot of time with her last night. It is time for another weekend folks. Hope you have big plans. Stay safe. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on our family photo. We are surely blessed. "On a sunny clear day, you can improve your body; on a rainy foggy day, you can improve your mind!" - Mehmet Murat Ildan

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