madwill's world

By madwill

A Broken Tree

A nice bright start to another day so I got out early for my walk. This poor tree lost a limb a couple of years ago and I have always liked the patterns and textures in the scar that remains. The warm morning sun emphasised the colours.

We both had our winter ‘flu jabs this morning, so far no adverse reactions.

Our son came to collect his cat after his little holiday…bizarrely she had been sitting in the front window most of the morning…the first time she had really been there all week…it is as if she knew he was coming for her.

Anyway, model shipbuilding continues…got lots of small details to paint…and our son brought me a pack of little figures to paint and put on the ship…bear in mind they are to scale…(1/350) so each figure is about 5.5 mm high…truly tiny.

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