
By Grammy


Another busy day. Hubby was up at 6:00 so he could help with the Knight’s parish breakfast. I made scones and froze them for use later in the week. Had my morning coffee on the front porch. Hubby came home with my breakfast around 11:00. He took care of several outside jobs: filling the fountains, bird baths, etc. I fed the birds and did two loads of laundry. Parker had a growth spurt this summer. We were so happy for him as he’d always been shorter than Brooklyn who is years younger than him. He is going to the homecoming dance and needs new dress slacks so hubby went over to measure him for them. I was clueless as to the proper length for men’s slacks. In return, Renee sent chili and wings. I was at home making Brooklyn white chicken chili for this week’s lunches. She made me chocolate chip cookies. It was like having a food swap around here. All part of the fun of living close to family members. We picked up Mack and Chase and met my sister and BIL at the restaurant. Our German friends arrived at precisely 7:00 pm as they planned. We had a leisurely meal and caught up with each other. It is 3:30 am their time and they just went up for bed. They have suggested breakfast at 8:00 am. All but the refrigerated part of the meal is ready and waiting. Another weekend has sped by. Hope yours was pleasant. I am hoping for a little R&R for the next few days. Thanks for your visit. Be safe. “I live in a world all my own, but I visitors are always welcome.” - Ashleigh Brilliant

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