tempus fugit

By ceridwen


I've been laid up with a viral infection for a few days (not Covid) but this afternoon I took the dog for a short wander/race up and down [guess who did which] on the cliffs. It being that time of year I peered down and saw far below the pale comma of a very new baby seal. The mother was propelling herself across the shingle, stones clinking as she moved. As she reached the water another seal, no doubt a male, emerged and barked at her. She barked back but did not choose to join him. Seal courtship is not a gentle process.

Seal cubs are protected and must not be approached by humans or dogs. Sadly there have been some instances already this year of people trying to get selfies... If the mother seal smells their presence she will not return to her pup.

Fungi are emerging! Extras show a bright yellow coral fungus fingering through the grass and some charming little coprophilous (dung-loving) mushrooms on a lump of horse poo no bigger than a cherry.

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