
By LesTension


It's Mono Monday and the theme is cord/cored/chord.  Yeah, I know it's a stretch but the vine is cord-like, and the beauty of the vine struck a chord in my heart.
This is a plant known as Virginia Creeper which rather sounds like some southern pedophile, doesn't it?

WIKI -  "Virginia Creeper is a native vine that does all the things a good vine should while not causing the damage of most vines. Virginia Creeper is a non-invasive vine that climbs trees and structures, provides food for birds that spread its seeds, has a beautiful fall color, and does not overgrow its host plant."
You can guess where it was first identified by its common name. Technically, it's known as Parthenocissus quinquefolia.  Often confused with poison ivy by the unfamiliar, it is non-toxic in that it does not contain Urushiol oil that causes the Poison Ivy itch.  However, if its sap gets on you it can cause a rash to develop and its berries are quite toxic due to a large amount of Oxalic acid.
I chose this plant for Mono Monday because it's not supposed to look like this this time of year in the north woods. But this is exactly what it looks like to your dog...dogs being quite colorblind.  The EXTRA shows the plant as it really exists this time of year in the north woods.  It really is beautiful and puts on a nice autumn show of color as it climbs local tree trunks.  It's often one of the first local plants to change to fall color.
Best in Large.

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