Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


with paint using things other than paintbrushes, part of the online little course I'm doing LAURA HORN ART!  . 

I used a garden twig, some leaves, a small sponge, and a curled up piece of paper.  As well as maroon paint (we were told to only use one colour), I used tea and coffee; dripping coffee off a teaspoon and pressing the tea bag on the page.  Before this course, I have painted pages with coffee/tea, but this was new and interesting :)

 (I did this at the weekend but only photographed it today) :)

Thank you for all your lovely comments regarding my interview.  I think it went OK and they were very nice people.  Now I have to wait to hear until Monday as another candidate isn't available this week!

This afternoon to take my mind off it, I have been gardening. I cut my front grass patch, and seeing as next door (much longer than mine) and the one at the end needed doing, I did them all.  My neighbours were grateful :)

Then I cut my own back grass, and chopped back the budleia a bit as its not doing well at all.  I still have more to do but it was getting dark by the time I'd done that!

Should be out tonight at Bible study, but I'm really shattered from the interview, so I've decided to stay home.

Tomorrow my car needs to be at a garage in Henley where I've never been, by 8am, so that's an early start....

And I've no way of getting home, so I'm staying in Henley all day.  Seems a shame I can't get to Greys Court without a car unfortunately, or I'd go there some of the time.  Anyway I haven't explored Henley before, so hopefully there is a nice coffee shop somewhere and it should be easy to take a walk by the river Thames I hope!

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