
By NinjaShoe

Tree surgeon

The view from our bedroom window today! He is higher than the roof of the house.......

This is one job I could never ever do but I watched in morbid fascination. I reckon it's like watching Formula One racing

I went once in Adelaide, Australia. It was so noisy that you couldn't hear the commentary, let alone yourself think, or have a conversation.....Everyone had to keep up with what was going on individually on ear phones. If you managed to get to see part of the track by pushing through the crowds, well you saw only a very small part of the race,and then for only 3 seconds as they whizzed past.

And the most crowded viewing areas were the corners where is seemed to me everyone is waiting/hoping? for a crash.....

Didn't float my boat at all - and I gave up on the tree surgeon too - made me feel anxious.

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