
By Grammy

A “Child” For Only Two More Months

I cannot believe this fantastic weather we are having. Really enjoyed breakfast/prayers on the front porch while waiting for our guests to arise. I cleaned the kitchen and headed outside once they left for their adventures. My sister gave me an Iris and a lavender Rose of Sharon bush. Hubby dug the holes and I planted both. Cannot wait to add those blooms to our collection next year. I had to take a quick shower to be ready for Mancil’s tele-health appointment. He takes meds that require monthly checkups. Since he is underage, an adult must be present during appointments. I certainly do not mind being with him or going to the doctor’s office with him. It’s all part of a grandmother’s duties. He turns 18 on 26 November and it can’t get here soon enough for him. He’ll get to change from having a pediatrician to an adult GP! And he can go alone. Teen years are hard for so many reasons. Hubby shopped for breakfast items that we are getting low on. He also tried to find the only kibble Millie can/will eat. Don’t you know, they have discontinued that specific formula - why??!! So many folks were complaining to the company on line. Their kitties have the same issues as Millie. Such a shame. Hubby ordered a small turkey and duck selection to see if Millie will try (and also tolerate) it. Our guests returned early. Ben has terrible vertigo (possibly a long COVID symptom since that is when it started). He decided to rest while the others headed to their next appointment. Being first responders, they try to set up visits to those type organizations whenever they are here. My sister and BIL stopped by to discuss our WV grocery list and what items we already have. They left with a bag of frozen food we won’t have to buy. My work is done for the day. Kindle time! Hope you can unwind also. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit.
“Grandsons are loving reminders of what we are really here for.” -

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