
By TrishaR

The Giant Hole

Went to Edinburgh to give Cameron some food and soup I had made , for his freezer. We didn’t have much time so we sat in the kitchen he shares with four other lads. Met Juno who was very friendly guy who comes from NI but now in London. Well now in Edinburgh and enjoying it. A good chat.

I feel Into a deep hole later on and still there. This appeared on my newsfeed along with the words. Lots of grief based stuff appears actually.

This one I understood greatly. My eyes have leaked a lot tonight. I feel alone in my grief.

This is what grief is.
A hole ripped through the very fabric of your being.
The hole eventually heals along the jagged edges that remain. It may even shrink in size.
But that hole will always be there.
A piece of you always missing.
For where there is deep grief, there was great love.
Don't be ashamed of your grief.
Don't judge it.
Don't suppress it.
Don't rush it.
Rather, acknowledge it.
Lean into it.
Listen to it.
Feel it.
Sit with it.
Sit with the pain. And remember the love.
This is where the healing will begin.

There wasn’t an author name in it unfortunately.

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