Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Chilly morning, but at least the sun was up. :)
My chore for today was to organize our dried material, like leaves, flowers and such. I also had the cashier together with a coworker. This time we worked together and it was a good, non stressful situation.
During our break, I started to feel worse. Apparently what I had yesterday is something that’s going around. I wasn’t feeling well this morning but went to work anyway, thinking I was just tired and feeling a bit cold because of the chilly weather.
So, I realised I was becoming ill and told the boss I was going home.
I’ll be home tomorrow too, but hopefully I’ll be back on Monday.
The photo is taken between the greenhouses, where we grow flowers and perennials, among others. I’d never taken a photo from this spot, so because I was getting those black boxes for the decor materials, I did just that. :)

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