And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

smallest wood ever.......

quick blip as its late and im tired, this has got to be one of the smallest woods in the country it takes 65 seconds from one end to other its amazing and only 5mins from my house. You walk through a winding path and you could be anywhere and the smells are just lovely at this time of year. I looked on the net to find out more but nothing could be found so I emailed scar council and waiting for a reply not hopeful tho haha

Had a busy day, had winnie at 5 till 9 too im falling in love and she is too when jan picked her up it was a struggle to get her back in the car she really wanted to stay :( her lessons are coming on so well too. Jan said it was the first time she had eaten today since leaving me at 10am sun morn :(

love c ps im sooooooooo happy buzzing in fact xxxxxxxxx

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