
By karenmace25

My Alarm Call...

This delightful little Dunnock decided I needed to be awake early on a Sunday morning, as he sat in this bush under my window for half an hour this morning singing his little song!!  

And another very warm and sunny day here in Essex and the plan was to take things a bit easier, but the urge to prune took over again and this time we attacked the Hypericum bush in the front garden which is very old and very tangled!  And still is despite 9 bags of green waste being pruned off! An ongoing task to get it fully tamed!   Plus I had to replant some of the plants I put in yesterday as the foxes overnight decided they were in the wrong place.... ggrrrr!  Seems the 'anti-fox' natural spray I got to ward them off certain areas doesn't deter foxes!!  Just people it seems as it stinks lol

A much quieter afternoon is now in process - sitting in the shade with a book or two, with an ear and eye on the sport going on!

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