New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Busy Truck Stop

We saw some sunshine today!! The cloud didn't quite lift enough to clear Tinto, but the raised clouds and sun towards the end of the day was very welcome.  All before the next weather warning tomorrow...

Not much to be said for today, I went for a bit of an unprofitable run.  I'm rubbish at running so have been done some walking-running-walking-running type runs using couch to 5k methodolody to see if that helps.  It doesn't help when your timer decide to stop in the middle, then you nearly loose your  house key from the tiny running shorts pocket when you take your phone out too.  Ah well.  Made it back then nipped to the shop. Even with all that I haven't cracked the 10K steps mark for the work step challenge.  Going to have to up my game somewhat.

The truck stop is really busy tonight, saw this trailer which was at least one of three with some very shiny cars on it.  They also had a support vehicle behind too.  At this point they were vehicles on both sides of the road waiting to get in, and not much space at the truck stop.  There's going to be some difficult manoeuvres there this evening!

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