Look Out

By chrisf


Our friends took the train from Silverdale to Grange this morning, and asked (long shot) whether we wanted to come along. J has done really well these last two days, but it’s tired her out and she needs a quiet day before we travel home, so we decided not to join them. However, I did travel myself to Arnside this morning to have a look at bird life on the Kent estuary. Fairly quiet, with low cloud and mist (no chance of seeing the sun’s rays), but I did see my first flock of pink footed geese travelling east over the northern shore. Always good to see, and to hear.

The viaduct raises trains above the estuary, and by cutting a corner makes the rail journey to Grange and beyond considerably shorter than the road journey. In this image the birds in the foreground are redshanks lined up along the waters edge, waiting for the tide to subside.

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