
By TonyG



Well, mine certainly is!   Maybe it's age.  Maybe it's a side effect of my way of dealing with a long run of crisis situations over the years.  Maybe it's (worse) post Covid.  I do find it difficult to hold a thought, distractions intrude constantly, often from within.  Names are on the tip of my tongue one minute and gone with the wind the next!   It's a good job that in the digital age I have the plant names on my slides at talks ... once I have the name, the patter, the information, flow freely.  All is not lost, even if sometimes I do wonder.   At a guess, half of you feel the same!

A quiet day.  After a busy one yesterday I was not always feeling so good today.  A few hours of the headache and heaviness around the middle of the day but this evening I don't feel so bad.   More laundry while the sun shines.   Crocus seeds labelled and planted, my master list updated.   In the 35th year, the list of accessions passed 2700 today.  In that time many have not survived.  Some were seed that never germinated, others lost to pests, disease, poor care, bad luck.  There are still several hundred (mostly small) pots of flowering size corms plus a good number of seed and seedling pots but it's far less than it was when I held one of the national collections.

Meg had a run at Rhydy but on our return the vet rang with some of last weeks test results.  There's some information that suggests that something is wrong so she'll have blood taken tomorrow for further tests.   Worrying even though she mostly seems very well in herself.   Better to know than not to know, hopefully I'll feel more settled when the full picture is known.

Flashlit Lachenalia corymbosa, a South African bulb that bursts forth into flower when watered in early Autumn.   The leaves are only a few inched high, the flowers almost at ground level.  These are the first, soon it will make a mat of flowers across the pot.   

It was going to be a sunlit crocus blip again today .... but I forgot to put the Memory Card back in the camera last night.  Maybe that's the problem - my memory card has fallen out!!

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