
Best seen LARGE to see the details

What a gorgeous day it has been today - 32°c and even now at just before 7pm it is still 29.5°c - bring it on ... we have been waiting so long for this.

I drove the combi to work again - it's difficult not to accidentally-on-purposely take the wrong turning and head to the beach ... but I didn't...
When I got in to drive home, the temperature gauge was reading 49.5°c .... that's inside, not outside .... I wound down the windows put the air-conditioning on full and it had a slight effect, but not much ... I'm not complaining though ...

Went out this evening with our resident etymologist aka honourable son N°1 - N°2 was too frightened to come in case there were any snakes around ...

We had a lovely walk and planned what we were going to do on holiday, which can be resumed in a very few words ... tow of these being 'surf' and 'barbecue' - that sounds pretty civilised to me, and we will try to get to see the wild vultures in The Pyrénées.

Insect life was abundant tonight, including swarms of mosquitos and lots of other colourful creatures, but my blip is this grasshopper.

I hope you had a lovely day ... I have to run, it's apéritif time in the garden - catch you later :)

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