
By LadyFindhorn

View through the Groyne

It is frustrating travelling to Porty in the rush hour rather than before the cock crows- so much more patience is required when every junction and every added additional hold up for road works means more time on the journey with long bottle necks of traffic. However since no-one wants to be walking half way to Fife before the water reaches your knees when the tide is out, that alone determines travelling times.

The sun shone and we were a merry band of three with 2 attendant dogs at groyne 4 this morning at 10am. Whereas I have a 20minute walk to Princes Street and bus to the beach, I now take 2 buses home after the cooncil have stopped the #45 bus  from taking me all the way back. This means that it is nice to have a coffee and something to eat where I change  buses en route. I regret to say chips came into the equation this morning, but it was 12 o’clock and the bacon rolls were off the menu.

Fast forward to this afternoon and the fact of eating chips at noon in a McDonald’s fades to insignificance when compared with watching a rerun of last night BBUK. My fall from grace is complete………. but quite an entertainment people watching and seeing how some of the younger generation live.

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