Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

A dull day & remembering Jimmy Saville

I'm sure I've been photographed in this spot before but unfortunately it's all we've got for you today. Ann was working at the 'Pool Club' until midnight last night, so consequently she's been in lazy mode today. She didn't go to Zumba or swimming (even though the sea was nice and calm). The only exercise she's done today, is walk me along the beaches, twice and do 100 skips (which is her latest crazy October project!).

It's not really been a particularly nice day for doing anything. It's been very dull all day (though it's still been quite warm) and now it's pouring with rain. I've just had an extra little play in the field (because Ann is going out to do another shift in the 'Pool Club' tonight) and when I got back into the house I asked to go out onto the sun terrace for a little chillax. Mmmmmm............... after I'd lain in the rain for about half a minute, I asked to come back in again. Lol!

Oh and a mini rant coming up......................... I got left home alone while Ann went to B&M to stock up on 'things' for when we next rent out our house here. 'Things' being toilet/kitchen rolls, cleaning materials, batteries & bulbs. What people do with batteries and bulbs we don't know??!!  Ann hardly ever changes batteries or bulbs, but every time we come back down here we have to stock up on new ones. It's like the holidaymakers eat them or steal them?!

…...............The only other thing that we've done today is binge watch 'The Reckoning' which tells the story of Jimmy Saville. (Excellent acting by Steve Coogan who plays Jimmy). Ann was particularly interested to see this, because when she was 13 years old, Jimmy kissed her stuck his tongue down her throat in full few of everyone. Fortunately, the experience didn't traumatise her.  It was just part of life in the 1970s.  She boasted about it for the next 40 years, before she realised that she'd been abused?!! It's seems absolutely mad now, that things like that went on, but when it happened, she honestly was the envy of all her friends because she had been kissed by someone famous!!! #howtimeschange Now a man can't even open a door for a woman without it being considered a sexist act!!!

Anyway, that's been our day. Ann's off to work now and I'm just going to continue having snooze time.

Toodles. xxx

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