
By MarilynParker

Thursday things

It was a lovely but chilly morning with clear blue sky. Terry went doing stuff in the garage and I went for a walk. Walked down to Taylor Park and around it before walking to Prescot Road and down to catch the bus home opposite Bird I'th Hand.
After lunch I pegged out the washing which was a lot - I don't know how we accumulate so much when there's only the two of us!
Did a bit more cutting back / trimming of the hibiscus and Terry did a few of the bigger branches for me with the lopper. I did a bit of weeding around it and tidying up.
The grass in the far back garden needs cutting but it was too wet so I've left it for now. 
We've not seen a lot of the garden birds recently but this afternoon there were about 20 goldfinches scrapping for the feeders and we also saw a pair of bluetits and a great tit. The blue tits were mostly eating seeds from the bird table but the great tit was visiting both the bird table and the black sunflower seed feeder. 2 wood pigeons and a magpie did the "hoovering up" on the steps under the feeders.
Hedgehogs are visiting every night and eating a lot so either there is one that's stocking up for hibernation or there are two at least. There were at least two visiting a few weeks back as we could tell by the ones we spotted on the camera - they were different sizes. 

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