
By Wildwood


The line between what is real and what is imagined has always struck me as a bit spooky. I tried to recreate it here.

The big event of the day for me today was getting a haircut. My hairdresser also loves to paint and her salon, a room with a separate entrance attached to her house, is also her studio. The is smart and talented, and getting a haircut is always a pleasant experience.

Less pleasant is the fact that some jeans I ordered from an British company called London Wrap do not even remotely fit me. The British sizes don't seem translate to American ones. It's not too difficult to return them, but I was looking forward to having a new pair. Ordering clothes online is always fraught with uncertainty when one can't try anything on, but as I have said before, there aren't very many good places to shop here without driving to Healdsburg.

The weather is trying to make up its mind as to what season it is. We've had quite a mixed bag ranging from cold and rainy to sunny and warm. Today was lovely and I tackled the job of pruning our rather gangly olive tree. Things tend to grow in the direction of the sun and either lean to one side or grow much more foliage on that side. I think I did more stepping back and looking than actual pruning.

Will and Chloe's quilt is almost finished, but frustratingly I have run out of the background fabric so the quilt is on hold until more arrives. It's probably just as well as I do tend to get about obsessive about it and very little else seems to get done. 

We've been watching a French detective story called LUPIN which I'm liking a lot and John isn't. He gets frustrated if there's any complexity to the story and has a hard time with violence too. The first couple of episodes are almost a riff on the clever thief outwitting the not-so-bright police theme, but it is turning pretty dark now that we are hooked. 

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