From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I've gone potty...

I've gone potty

After sleeping most of yesterday - the only useful thing I did was my blip! - I thought I might as well go to the office to cough today.

I got my tea as usual from McDonalds and then drank it without milk as I forgot to pick it up from the counter. Oh well...
I got to the Council House and realised I'd forgotten my pass. Eric who'd unlocked the door let me in and brought me a contractor's pass a bit later so at least I could move about a bit.

I went up to the kitchens at 8:30 and ordered a fried egg toastie with just a splash of brown sauce. While that was being done, I got myself a minty Aero and packet of cheese and onion crisps from the machine. I got back to my desk and realised I'd left my Aero and crisps upstairs. Drat! I traipsed back up to retrieve my feast...

The rest of the day went in much the same way with me leaving things behind and forgetting things all over the place. Hopeless! Losing marbles is not a family trait on either Mom or Dad's side so hopefully my mind is just on other things right now.

Lunchtime found me sat in Mell Square taking pictures of people wandering about. I got a baguette and a box of Cadbury's Chocolate Honeycomb Fingers on the way back to the office. I'm ashamed to say I ate the lot! How potty is this? I was going to use a picture of loads of flower pots but had gone off them by the time I got home and decided on this one featuring the man on his phone.

I am staying home tomorrow as it's safer.

Track? Let's have some Paul Weller today with a classic - You Do Something To Me

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